Fresh salad with Santo Amaro Tuna

Cooking time: 20 minutes
For 2 servings:
- 1 can of Santo Amaro Tuna in Olive Oil
- 1 red apple
- 1 green apple
- Lemon juice
- 1 cup of blueberries
- 2 tablespoons red onion
- 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
- 1 tablespoon mustard
- 1 cup of chips or croutons
- 1 small lettuce
- Salt and pepper

Can fruits be mixed with tuna? Yes, of course! It turns out to be a healthy, delicious, and winning combination.
The recipe is healthy and delicious and the preparation is very simple.

Cut the apples, without peeling them, into small cubes.

Sprinkle with a little lemon. Chop the onion very small and mix with the apples, add the blueberries.

We are almost done! Add the mayonnaise and mustard, mix well.

Place the lettuce leaves on a plate, add the fruit mixture, the croutons and finally the Santo Amaro Tuna.

Season with salt and pepper.