Why is Santo Amaro more sustainable than other tuna brands?
Santo Amaro tuna is 100% Pole and Line Caught, one fish at a time, leaving schools of tuna to live on, reproduce, and continue their vital role in our oceans. Our tuna is NOT caught with nets or by long line. Nets wipe out entire schools and by-catch and are to blame for the devastation of our oceans. The larger the net (many are a mile long and a quarter mile deep), the larger the vessel, and the more advanced the technology used to locate entire schools of tuna, the more damage to the eco-system (size matters!). Long line fishing produces by-catch including turtles, dolphin, sharks, and other species.
Why does Santo Amaro tuna taste so good?
Santo Amaro uses artisanal processes, inspecting, cooking, cleaning, hand-packing and packaging our products. Additionally, Santo Amaro only uses the best 100% natural ingredients available. Santo Amaro’s experienced artisans know what quality tuna products are and they strive to make every can the best can of tuna you’ve ever had.
Why does Santo Amaro tuna have such a low mercury content?
Mercury level is directly correlated to fish size, age, and species. Santo Amaro’s mid-sized skipjack tuna has the lowest level of mercury for edible light meat tuna (essentially skipjack, yellowfin, and bigeye). Santo Amaro is fully transparent in communicating laboratory results indicating mercury level by lot at www.SantoAmaro.com .
Are all Santo Amaro products 100% Natural, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, E-Z Open, and BPA Free NI?
Yes, 100%!
How can Santo Amaro compete with the giant companies that dominate the tuna industry?
On a level playing field, Santo Amaro’s quality products and valiant cause will provide a strategic advantage. Unfortunately, the playing field is far from level and Santo Amaro is counting on a higher level of transparency to help consumers make informed decisions that will save our oceans and help Santo Amaro grow.
Why doesn’t Santo Amaro use additives like vegetable broth or phosphates?
Additives are usually added to expand flesh cells so that they absorb and retain more medium (liquid) and weigh more, thus creating cost savings as less tuna meat can be used in each can. Other additives are used to whiten darker tuna in order to appeal to consumers. All motives for using additives are against Santo Amaro’s commitment to provide healthy, 100% natural products.
What does “sustainability” mean?
Different companies and NGO’s split hairs when trying to explain what is, and is not, sustainable tuna. Each entity’s definition seems to protect its own economic interests. Everyone with any knowledge of the tuna fishing industry, especially fishermen, know that giant fishing vessels (some over 2,000 Tons of storage capacity) with their huge NETS are causing irreparable harm in every ocean. Wiping out entire schools in a single set will lead to tuna becoming extinct in a short period of time. NO NETS = TRUE TUNA SUSTAINABILITY
Why is Santo Amaro more “humane” in tuna fishing?
Nets not only kill entire schools of tuna, they constrict the tuna’s space within the net for a long period of time as the net is retrieved. The tuna eventually die of extremely stressful and violent suffocation and remain dead and decomposing in the net until they are scooped onto the vessel and frozen in brine tanks. Conversely, Santo Amaro’s Pole and Line caught tuna is alive when landed on the fishing boat. Small fish are quickly returned to the ocean and swim away to live on and reproduce while the adult tuna are placed in refrigerated areas straight away.
Why are Santo Amaro products Superfoods?
Our products are rich in protein, omega fatty acids, antioxidants, and other vital nutrients making them superfoods and providing consumers with a healthy option they can enjoy right out of the can. We’ve developed products using super herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, basil, piri-piri pepper, etc., to provide incredible taste and the many benefits these herbs and spices provide.
How does Santo Amaro support workers rights and well being?
Having extensive experience in factories and fishing areas throughout the world, at Santo Amaro we believe in workers’ rights and well-being and refuse to source any products from countries that are not democratic or that permit unfair treatment of workers, minorities (such as the Rohingya, East Timorese and others), women, or the poor.